Crosswalk Documents

NIST AI RMF Crosswalks are produced by by NIST or other organizations and are intended to provide a mapping of concepts and terms between the AI RMF and other guidelines, frameworks, standards and regulation documents. Organizations are encouraged to submit crosswalks to NIST at for potential posting on this page. The below list includes crosswalks that have been submitted, reviewed and accepted to date.

  • Crosswalk Document List
    Document title Description Provider
    BSA Framework Crosswalk Between BSA Framework to Build Trust in AI and NIST AI Risk Management Framework BSA
    ISO-IEC-42001 NIST AI Risk Management Framework to ISO-IEC-42001 Crosswalk Microsoft
    FDIS23894 Crosswalk AI RMF (1.0) and ISO/IEC FDIS23894 Information technology - Artificial intelligence - Guidance on risk management (January 26, 2023) NIST
    OECD/EU/EO13960 An illustration of how NIST AI RMF trustworthiness characteristics relate to the OECD Recommendation on AI, Proposed EU AI Act, Executive Order 13960, and Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights (January 26, 2023) NIST
    Singapore AI Verify Crosswalk between NIST AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) and Singapore’s AI Verify (October 10, 2023) NIST
    A Taxonomy of Trustworthiness for AI Connecting properties of trustworthiness with risk management and the AI lifecycle, this framework supports usability by connecting the taxonomy more closely to actual product cycles and workflows. (December 7, 2023) CLTC, UC Berkeley
    ISO 5338 & 5339 INCITS-AI Crosswalk between the NIST AI RMF and ISO 5338/5339 (April 11, 2024) INCITS
    Japan AI Guidelines for Business

    J-AISI/NIST Crosswalk-1 Terminology (April 29, 2024)

    J-AISI/NIST Crosswalk-2 Concepts (September 17, 2024)

    Japan AISI
    Crosswalk NIST AI RMF + TTA Guidebook Crosswalk between NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework and Korea’s Guidebook for Development of Trustworthy AI Korea TTA